09-26 12:56 PM
Please update profile before someone can help.
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03-19 12:21 PM
No. The check was with the new fee but dated 2005. As per law, checks dated older than 6 months are VOID.
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07-20 07:34 AM
The outcome in a case like this depends on the specific State's criminal code, and the individual's specific record. I cannot tell you for sure that USCIS will seek to remove your son, but I would strongly advise your son and his criminal lawyer to consult with an experienced immigration lawyer before going further.
Some states have special
courts, processes and/or dispositions for certain juveniles that are different than for those in adult court. Some such dispositions are not considered �convictions� for immigration purposes
(although they may still become a problem for discretionary forms of relief or where �admitting to a crime� is enough). For example, in New York:
- A �Youthful Offender� disposition for people under the age of 19 at time of conduct is not a �conviction� for immigration purposes. In fact, a Y.O. for a more serious offense is
sometimes better than a straight conviction for a lesser offense.
- A �Juvenile Delinquency� disposition in Family Court for people under age 16 at time of
conduct is not a �conviction� for immigration purposes.
- However, a �Juvenile Offender� disposition is considered a conviction for immigration
purposes and does not have the same benefits.
Note: The federal government and every state has its own system for treating juveniles in the criminal justice system � some will be safer for immigrant youth, and some will not. Every state also has its own rules for the maximum age at which a young person may qualify for this treatment � for example, one state may place a 15-year-old in adult court with no special dispositions, while another state may place a 17-year old in the juvenile justice system.
Consider going to trial instead of pleading guilty. This is not always the best option, but you may want to consider it if, for example, the evidence against you is weak and/or the benefits of the plea offer are not worth the immigration consequences to you.
Some states have special
courts, processes and/or dispositions for certain juveniles that are different than for those in adult court. Some such dispositions are not considered �convictions� for immigration purposes
(although they may still become a problem for discretionary forms of relief or where �admitting to a crime� is enough). For example, in New York:
- A �Youthful Offender� disposition for people under the age of 19 at time of conduct is not a �conviction� for immigration purposes. In fact, a Y.O. for a more serious offense is
sometimes better than a straight conviction for a lesser offense.
- A �Juvenile Delinquency� disposition in Family Court for people under age 16 at time of
conduct is not a �conviction� for immigration purposes.
- However, a �Juvenile Offender� disposition is considered a conviction for immigration
purposes and does not have the same benefits.
Note: The federal government and every state has its own system for treating juveniles in the criminal justice system � some will be safer for immigrant youth, and some will not. Every state also has its own rules for the maximum age at which a young person may qualify for this treatment � for example, one state may place a 15-year-old in adult court with no special dispositions, while another state may place a 17-year old in the juvenile justice system.
Consider going to trial instead of pleading guilty. This is not always the best option, but you may want to consider it if, for example, the evidence against you is weak and/or the benefits of the plea offer are not worth the immigration consequences to you.
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03-25 09:33 AM
We are most fortunate, thanks to Mr. Bill Gates, Rep Smith's current bill will triple our h1b cap and it will pass. all 3 american candidates support us. we are winning:D:D:D
Support from president was there even last year but nothing happened. For immigration key is congress and so the lobbying.
Most of key politicians recognize the need to reform immigration practices in general and skilled immigration rules in particular - but immigration is an emotional issue and congress has complicated rules for anyone who want to scuttle even a small change. Hope some bill is in the works that give us some relief without raising too much opposition.
Support from president was there even last year but nothing happened. For immigration key is congress and so the lobbying.
Most of key politicians recognize the need to reform immigration practices in general and skilled immigration rules in particular - but immigration is an emotional issue and congress has complicated rules for anyone who want to scuttle even a small change. Hope some bill is in the works that give us some relief without raising too much opposition.
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07-28 09:09 PM
I'm getting fed up with people on this forum who assume that India is the only country from which people immigrate to the US, and always only mention the India dates when talking about cut off dates, and assume that are the only dates people want to talk about.
Even though India is by far the country of birth with the most high skilled immigrants to the US, it still takes up less than half of the number of high skilled immigrants. By some discussions going on on this forum, you would think 95% of the high skilled immigrants come from India.
Yes you are correct. Guys just like that start some heart breaking threads. Not doing proper research on such delicate and sensitive issues.
Even though India is by far the country of birth with the most high skilled immigrants to the US, it still takes up less than half of the number of high skilled immigrants. By some discussions going on on this forum, you would think 95% of the high skilled immigrants come from India.
Yes you are correct. Guys just like that start some heart breaking threads. Not doing proper research on such delicate and sensitive issues.
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09-18 05:31 PM
US Laws protect employees completely.
If at all your current employer wants to do anything they can sue your new H1 sponsor or the end client. If your end client and new employer's attorneys are ok to sponsor H1 and job contract, then you don't have to worry.
3 years before I wanted to join my then end client directly. But their vendor manager refused becos they had signed an agreement with my then employer stating that they will not hire any resource for 6 months from the date they leave the work.
If at all your current employer wants to do anything they can sue your new H1 sponsor or the end client. If your end client and new employer's attorneys are ok to sponsor H1 and job contract, then you don't have to worry.
3 years before I wanted to join my then end client directly. But their vendor manager refused becos they had signed an agreement with my then employer stating that they will not hire any resource for 6 months from the date they leave the work.
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01-29 10:55 AM
Dear sansas,
We have seen a lot of such rumors. Can you be more specific and provide sources ? Logically thinking, this cannot be true at all.
Admins, May I request you to close this thread if sansas is not able/willing to provide sources for his post.
Look how EB process affected our life.. Labor certification terminology now feels so natural to us
We have seen a lot of such rumors. Can you be more specific and provide sources ? Logically thinking, this cannot be true at all.
Admins, May I request you to close this thread if sansas is not able/willing to provide sources for his post.
Look how EB process affected our life.. Labor certification terminology now feels so natural to us
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05-22 11:54 AM
Yes, if they can file their 485 after June10..there will be certainely some more movement of PDs...
sad quotes about broken hearts. sad quotes on roken heart.
06-26 04:16 AM
I Have a Dream - Address at March on Washington
August 28, 1963. Washington, D.C.
I am happy to join with you today in what will go down in history as the greatest demonstration for freedom in the history of our nation. [Applause]
Five score years ago, a great American, in whose symbolic shadow we stand signed the Emancipation Proclamation. This momentous decree came as a great beacon light of hope to millions of Negro slaves who had been seared in the flames of withering injustice. It came as a joyous daybreak to end the long night of captivity.
But one hundred years later, we must face the tragic fact that the Negro is still not free. One hundred years later, the life of the Negro is still sadly crippled by the manacles of segregation and the chains of discrimination. One hundred years later, the Negro lives on a lonely island of poverty in the midst of a vast ocean of material prosperity. One hundred years later, the Negro is still languishing in the corners of American society and finds himself an exile in his own land. So we have come here today to dramatize an appalling condition.
In a sense we have come to our nation's capital to cash a check. When the architects of our republic wrote the magnificent words of the Constitution and the declaration of Independence, they were signing a promissory note to which every American was to fall heir. This note was a promise that all men would be guaranteed the inalienable rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
It is obvious today that America has defaulted on this promissory note insofar as her citizens of color are concerned. Instead of honoring this sacred obligation, America has given the Negro people a bad check which has come back marked "insufficient funds." But we refuse to believe that the bank of justice is bankrupt. We refuse to believe that there are insufficient funds in the great vaults of opportunity of this nation. So we have come to cash this check -- a check that will give us upon demand the riches of freedom and the security of justice. We have also come to this hallowed spot to remind America of the fierce urgency of now. This is no time to engage in the luxury of cooling off or to take the tranquilizing drug of gradualism. Now is the time to rise from the dark and desolate valley of segregation to the sunlit path of racial justice. Now is the time to open the doors of opportunity to all of God's children. Now is the time to lift our nation from the quicksands of racial injustice to the solid rock of brotherhood.
It would be fatal for the nation to overlook the urgency of the moment and to underestimate the determination of the Negro. This sweltering summer of the Negro's legitimate discontent will not pass until there is an invigorating autumn of freedom and equality. Nineteen sixty-three is not an end, but a beginning. Those who hope that the Negro needed to blow off steam and will now be content will have a rude awakening if the nation returns to business as usual. There will be neither rest nor tranquility in America until the Negro is granted his citizenship rights. The whirlwinds of revolt will continue to shake the foundations of our nation until the bright day of justice emerges.
But there is something that I must say to my people who stand on the warm threshold which leads into the palace of justice. In the process of gaining our rightful place we must not be guilty of wrongful deeds. Let us not seek to satisfy our thirst for freedom by drinking from the cup of bitterness and hatred.
We must forever conduct our struggle on the high plane of dignity and discipline. We must not allow our creative protest to degenerate into physical violence. Again and again we must rise to the majestic heights of meeting physical force with soul force. The marvelous new militancy which has engulfed the Negro community must not lead us to distrust of all white people, for many of our white brothers, as evidenced by their presence here today, have come to realize that their destiny is tied up with our destiny and their freedom is inextricably bound to our freedom. We cannot walk alone.
And as we walk, we must make the pledge that we shall march ahead. We cannot turn back. There are those who are asking the devotees of civil rights, "When will you be satisfied?" We can never be satisfied as long as our bodies, heavy with the fatigue of travel, cannot gain lodging in the motels of the highways and the hotels of the cities. We cannot be satisfied as long as the Negro's basic mobility is from a smaller ghetto to a larger one. We can never be satisfied as long as a Negro in Mississippi cannot vote and a Negro in New York believes he has nothing for which to vote. No, no, we are not satisfied, and we will not be satisfied until justice rolls down like waters and righteousness like a mighty stream.
I am not unmindful that some of you have come here out of great trials and tribulations. Some of you have come fresh from narrow cells. Some of you have come from areas where your quest for freedom left you battered by the storms of persecution and staggered by the winds of police brutality. You have been the veterans of creative suffering. Continue to work with the faith that unearned suffering is redemptive.
Go back to Mississippi, go back to Alabama, go back to Georgia, go back to Louisiana, go back to the slums and ghettos of our northern cities, knowing that somehow this situation can and will be changed. Let us not wallow in the valley of despair.
I say to you today, my friends, that in spite of the difficulties and frustrations of the moment, I still have a dream. It is a dream deeply rooted in the American dream.
I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: "We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal."
I have a dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia the sons of former slaves and the sons of former slave owners will be able to sit down together at a table of brotherhood.
I have a dream that one day even the state of Mississippi, a desert state, sweltering with the heat of injustice and oppression, will be transformed into an oasis of freedom and justice.
I have a dream that my four children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.
I have a dream today.
I have a dream that one day the state of Alabama, whose governor's lips are presently dripping with the words of interposition and nullification, will be transformed into a situation where little black boys and black girls will be able to join hands with little white boys and white girls and walk together as sisters and brothers.
I have a dream today.
I have a dream that one day every valley shall be exalted, every hill and mountain shall be made low, the rough places will be made plain, and the crooked places will be made straight, and the glory of the Lord shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together.
This is our hope. This is the faith with which I return to the South. With this faith we will be able to hew out of the mountain of despair a stone of hope. With this faith we will be able to transform the jangling discords of our nation into a beautiful symphony of brotherhood. With this faith we will be able to work together, to pray together, to struggle together, to go to jail together, to stand up for freedom together, knowing that we will be free one day.
This will be the day when all of God's children will be able to sing with a new meaning, "My country, 'tis of thee, sweet land of liberty, of thee I sing. Land where my fathers died, land of the pilgrim's pride, from every mountainside, let freedom ring."
And if America is to be a great nation this must become true. So let freedom ring from the prodigious hilltops of New Hampshire. Let freedom ring from the mighty mountains of New York. Let freedom ring from the heightening Alleghenies of Pennsylvania!
Let freedom ring from the snowcapped Rockies of Colorado!
Let freedom ring from the curvaceous peaks of California!
But not only that; let freedom ring from Stone Mountain of Georgia!
Let freedom ring from Lookout Mountain of Tennessee!
Let freedom ring from every hill and every molehill of Mississippi. From every mountainside, let freedom ring.
When we let freedom ring, when we let it ring from every village and every hamlet, from every state and every city, we will be able to speed up that day when all of God's children, black men and white men, Jews and Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics, will be able to join hands and sing in the words of the old Negro spiritual, "Free at last! free at last! thank God Almighty, we are free at last!"
August 28, 1963. Washington, D.C.
I am happy to join with you today in what will go down in history as the greatest demonstration for freedom in the history of our nation. [Applause]
Five score years ago, a great American, in whose symbolic shadow we stand signed the Emancipation Proclamation. This momentous decree came as a great beacon light of hope to millions of Negro slaves who had been seared in the flames of withering injustice. It came as a joyous daybreak to end the long night of captivity.
But one hundred years later, we must face the tragic fact that the Negro is still not free. One hundred years later, the life of the Negro is still sadly crippled by the manacles of segregation and the chains of discrimination. One hundred years later, the Negro lives on a lonely island of poverty in the midst of a vast ocean of material prosperity. One hundred years later, the Negro is still languishing in the corners of American society and finds himself an exile in his own land. So we have come here today to dramatize an appalling condition.
In a sense we have come to our nation's capital to cash a check. When the architects of our republic wrote the magnificent words of the Constitution and the declaration of Independence, they were signing a promissory note to which every American was to fall heir. This note was a promise that all men would be guaranteed the inalienable rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
It is obvious today that America has defaulted on this promissory note insofar as her citizens of color are concerned. Instead of honoring this sacred obligation, America has given the Negro people a bad check which has come back marked "insufficient funds." But we refuse to believe that the bank of justice is bankrupt. We refuse to believe that there are insufficient funds in the great vaults of opportunity of this nation. So we have come to cash this check -- a check that will give us upon demand the riches of freedom and the security of justice. We have also come to this hallowed spot to remind America of the fierce urgency of now. This is no time to engage in the luxury of cooling off or to take the tranquilizing drug of gradualism. Now is the time to rise from the dark and desolate valley of segregation to the sunlit path of racial justice. Now is the time to open the doors of opportunity to all of God's children. Now is the time to lift our nation from the quicksands of racial injustice to the solid rock of brotherhood.
It would be fatal for the nation to overlook the urgency of the moment and to underestimate the determination of the Negro. This sweltering summer of the Negro's legitimate discontent will not pass until there is an invigorating autumn of freedom and equality. Nineteen sixty-three is not an end, but a beginning. Those who hope that the Negro needed to blow off steam and will now be content will have a rude awakening if the nation returns to business as usual. There will be neither rest nor tranquility in America until the Negro is granted his citizenship rights. The whirlwinds of revolt will continue to shake the foundations of our nation until the bright day of justice emerges.
But there is something that I must say to my people who stand on the warm threshold which leads into the palace of justice. In the process of gaining our rightful place we must not be guilty of wrongful deeds. Let us not seek to satisfy our thirst for freedom by drinking from the cup of bitterness and hatred.
We must forever conduct our struggle on the high plane of dignity and discipline. We must not allow our creative protest to degenerate into physical violence. Again and again we must rise to the majestic heights of meeting physical force with soul force. The marvelous new militancy which has engulfed the Negro community must not lead us to distrust of all white people, for many of our white brothers, as evidenced by their presence here today, have come to realize that their destiny is tied up with our destiny and their freedom is inextricably bound to our freedom. We cannot walk alone.
And as we walk, we must make the pledge that we shall march ahead. We cannot turn back. There are those who are asking the devotees of civil rights, "When will you be satisfied?" We can never be satisfied as long as our bodies, heavy with the fatigue of travel, cannot gain lodging in the motels of the highways and the hotels of the cities. We cannot be satisfied as long as the Negro's basic mobility is from a smaller ghetto to a larger one. We can never be satisfied as long as a Negro in Mississippi cannot vote and a Negro in New York believes he has nothing for which to vote. No, no, we are not satisfied, and we will not be satisfied until justice rolls down like waters and righteousness like a mighty stream.
I am not unmindful that some of you have come here out of great trials and tribulations. Some of you have come fresh from narrow cells. Some of you have come from areas where your quest for freedom left you battered by the storms of persecution and staggered by the winds of police brutality. You have been the veterans of creative suffering. Continue to work with the faith that unearned suffering is redemptive.
Go back to Mississippi, go back to Alabama, go back to Georgia, go back to Louisiana, go back to the slums and ghettos of our northern cities, knowing that somehow this situation can and will be changed. Let us not wallow in the valley of despair.
I say to you today, my friends, that in spite of the difficulties and frustrations of the moment, I still have a dream. It is a dream deeply rooted in the American dream.
I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: "We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal."
I have a dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia the sons of former slaves and the sons of former slave owners will be able to sit down together at a table of brotherhood.
I have a dream that one day even the state of Mississippi, a desert state, sweltering with the heat of injustice and oppression, will be transformed into an oasis of freedom and justice.
I have a dream that my four children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.
I have a dream today.
I have a dream that one day the state of Alabama, whose governor's lips are presently dripping with the words of interposition and nullification, will be transformed into a situation where little black boys and black girls will be able to join hands with little white boys and white girls and walk together as sisters and brothers.
I have a dream today.
I have a dream that one day every valley shall be exalted, every hill and mountain shall be made low, the rough places will be made plain, and the crooked places will be made straight, and the glory of the Lord shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together.
This is our hope. This is the faith with which I return to the South. With this faith we will be able to hew out of the mountain of despair a stone of hope. With this faith we will be able to transform the jangling discords of our nation into a beautiful symphony of brotherhood. With this faith we will be able to work together, to pray together, to struggle together, to go to jail together, to stand up for freedom together, knowing that we will be free one day.
This will be the day when all of God's children will be able to sing with a new meaning, "My country, 'tis of thee, sweet land of liberty, of thee I sing. Land where my fathers died, land of the pilgrim's pride, from every mountainside, let freedom ring."
And if America is to be a great nation this must become true. So let freedom ring from the prodigious hilltops of New Hampshire. Let freedom ring from the mighty mountains of New York. Let freedom ring from the heightening Alleghenies of Pennsylvania!
Let freedom ring from the snowcapped Rockies of Colorado!
Let freedom ring from the curvaceous peaks of California!
But not only that; let freedom ring from Stone Mountain of Georgia!
Let freedom ring from Lookout Mountain of Tennessee!
Let freedom ring from every hill and every molehill of Mississippi. From every mountainside, let freedom ring.
When we let freedom ring, when we let it ring from every village and every hamlet, from every state and every city, we will be able to speed up that day when all of God's children, black men and white men, Jews and Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics, will be able to join hands and sing in the words of the old Negro spiritual, "Free at last! free at last! thank God Almighty, we are free at last!"
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06-16 05:33 PM
Start off your infopass with the following question.
I am really desperate....would you help me, pretty please? ........
And then proceed with the other questions you have on your list.
After you are done with all your questions and assuming USCIS hasn't kicked you out of their office, make it clear that you want USCIS to look at your application before others ahead of you in the queue. If they don't, "you will be back" for another infopass.
I am really desperate....would you help me, pretty please? ........
And then proceed with the other questions you have on your list.
After you are done with all your questions and assuming USCIS hasn't kicked you out of their office, make it clear that you want USCIS to look at your application before others ahead of you in the queue. If they don't, "you will be back" for another infopass.
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04-01 06:00 PM
Apply for you become illegal its easier to get GC. Only people who legal and law obeying to need to be in line for years.
And I can't apply for a green card, I don't meet the criteria...I'd have to get married with a woman.
And I can't apply for a green card, I don't meet the criteria...I'd have to get married with a woman.
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06-01 06:46 PM
You will, however, need to keep the 140 and labor alive at your old job if you are beyond the 6th year of H1 in order to obtain an H1 transfer or extension with new employer. So if you are already done with your initial 6 year term, then you will need co-operation of your current employer to prevent him from withdrawing your current labor and 140 - atleast until 365 days have passed with new PERM labor or atleast until your PERM and 140 is approved with new GC process.
If I transfer to new company, how can I keep 140 and labor alive ? Its in old company hands if they wish they can cancel correct ??
MY 6th is completing Aug,2007. So U mean the new company has to start from ground zero then will I get H1 ext. or by that period my PD will be correct. Like my current PD is 06/2003 with EB3. But if I start from scratch I would be qualify for EB2. So can I get PD of my old which was filed under EB3 to new which would be filing under EB2 if I take new offer.
Thx for ur help
If I transfer to new company, how can I keep 140 and labor alive ? Its in old company hands if they wish they can cancel correct ??
MY 6th is completing Aug,2007. So U mean the new company has to start from ground zero then will I get H1 ext. or by that period my PD will be correct. Like my current PD is 06/2003 with EB3. But if I start from scratch I would be qualify for EB2. So can I get PD of my old which was filed under EB3 to new which would be filing under EB2 if I take new offer.
Thx for ur help
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09-28 07:18 PM
My name(s) were mispeld as well...My lawyer talked to USCIS and sorted it out.
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03-27 02:09 PM
You missed the sarcasm, never mind :)
Yes, depending on how the educational requirements in your LC is worded - I mean right down to the last word - it just might leave you with some room for manoeuvre.
Yes. I have paid quite amount of money to fill the PERM application.
So, what you are saying that I actually can continue the process?
Yes, depending on how the educational requirements in your LC is worded - I mean right down to the last word - it just might leave you with some room for manoeuvre.
Yes. I have paid quite amount of money to fill the PERM application.
So, what you are saying that I actually can continue the process?
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Chicago Desi
03-31 11:16 AM
Im on my 8th year on H1. still stuck in Labor :(
My company is giving me a promotion and a raise in salary. Do i have to inform Labor about any of this ??!!
If after getting promotion your duties change dramatically, say from a programmer you get promoted to manager then you need a new H1. Otherwise, its only the gradual change then every thing is OK. For example, from progammer you are promoted to sr. developer :)
My company is giving me a promotion and a raise in salary. Do i have to inform Labor about any of this ??!!
If after getting promotion your duties change dramatically, say from a programmer you get promoted to manager then you need a new H1. Otherwise, its only the gradual change then every thing is OK. For example, from progammer you are promoted to sr. developer :)
sad quotes about broken hearts. sad quotes about roken hearts. Quotes, Broken Heart Quotes,; Quotes, Broken Heart Quotes,. Warbrain. Apr 5, 08:34 AM
06-06 09:13 PM
Don't worry about your I140 getting revoked, AC21 is built for your career, security and comfort keeping in mind the USCIS delays. Go ahead and use it and Good luck. Make sure you are careful with SOC codes, and do a good job of keeping your status and career in accordance with the rules. The rest will take care of itself.
If you are sure about your I140 getting revoked, make sure you let USCIS know of your AC21 portability. Good luck.
If you are sure about your I140 getting revoked, make sure you let USCIS know of your AC21 portability. Good luck.
sad quotes about broken hearts. sad quotes about roken hearts. Sad-Heart-Broken-Love-Quotes; Sad-Heart-Broken-Love-Quotes. zimv20. May 23, 04:49 PM. aw, crap. now i gotta get tiger.
12-21 01:31 PM
Here is a shortened version:
d) Worldwide level of employment-based immigrants
(1) The worldwide level of employment-based immigrants under this subsection for a fiscal year is equal to—
(A) 140,000, plus
(B) the number computed under paragraph (2). (i.e. unused family-based visas from the previous year)
(b) Preference allocation for employment-based immigrants
Aliens subject to the worldwide level specified in section 1151 (d) of this title for employment-based immigrants in a fiscal year shall be allotted visas as follows:
(EB-1) Priority workers
Visas shall first be made available in a number not to exceed 28.6 percent of such worldwide level, plus any visas not required for the classes specified in paragraphs (4) and (5)
(EB-2) Aliens who are members of the professions holding advanced degrees or aliens of exceptional ability
(A) In general
Visas shall be made available, in a number not to exceed 28.6 percent of such worldwide level, plus any visas not required for the classes specified in paragraph (1), to qualified immigrants who are members of the professions holding advanced degrees or their equivalent or who because of their exceptional ability in the sciences, arts, or business, will substantially benefit prospectively the national economy, cultural or educational interests, or welfare of the United States, and whose services in the sciences, arts, professions, or business are sought by an employer in the United States.
(EB-3) Skilled workers, professionals, and other workers
(A) In general
Visas shall be made available, in a number not to exceed 28.6 percent of such worldwide level, plus any visas not required for the classes specified in paragraphs (1) and (2), to the following classes of aliens who are not described in paragraph (2):
(4) Certain special immigrants
Visas shall be made available, in a number not to exceed 7.1 percent of such worldwide level, to qualified special immigrants described in section 1101 (a)(27) of this title (other than those described in subparagraph (A) or (B) thereof), of which not more than 5,000 may be made available in any fiscal year to special immigrants described in subclause (II) or (III) of section 1101 (a)(27)(C)(ii) of this title, and not more than 100 may be made available in any fiscal year to special immigrants, excluding spouses and children, who are described in section 1101 (a)(27)(M) of this title.
(5) Employment creation
(A) In general
Visas shall be made available, in a number not to exceed 7.1 percent of such worldwide level, to qualified immigrants seeking to enter the United States for the purpose of engaging in a new commercial enterprise (including a limited partnership)—
i.e. for each country EB1 gets (140,000 + number of unused FB visas from the previous year) * 0.07 * 0.286 = 2802 + something insignificant, same for EB2 and EB3.
If there are unused visas, they go from EB1 to EB2 to EB3, but they are lost at the end of the fiscal year. Unused visas from 4th and 5th category can be added to that number as well (usually in the 4th quarter of the fiscal year). Please note that at the end of the fiscal year per country limits may be lifted if there are unused visas left.
d) Worldwide level of employment-based immigrants
(1) The worldwide level of employment-based immigrants under this subsection for a fiscal year is equal to—
(A) 140,000, plus
(B) the number computed under paragraph (2). (i.e. unused family-based visas from the previous year)
(b) Preference allocation for employment-based immigrants
Aliens subject to the worldwide level specified in section 1151 (d) of this title for employment-based immigrants in a fiscal year shall be allotted visas as follows:
(EB-1) Priority workers
Visas shall first be made available in a number not to exceed 28.6 percent of such worldwide level, plus any visas not required for the classes specified in paragraphs (4) and (5)
(EB-2) Aliens who are members of the professions holding advanced degrees or aliens of exceptional ability
(A) In general
Visas shall be made available, in a number not to exceed 28.6 percent of such worldwide level, plus any visas not required for the classes specified in paragraph (1), to qualified immigrants who are members of the professions holding advanced degrees or their equivalent or who because of their exceptional ability in the sciences, arts, or business, will substantially benefit prospectively the national economy, cultural or educational interests, or welfare of the United States, and whose services in the sciences, arts, professions, or business are sought by an employer in the United States.
(EB-3) Skilled workers, professionals, and other workers
(A) In general
Visas shall be made available, in a number not to exceed 28.6 percent of such worldwide level, plus any visas not required for the classes specified in paragraphs (1) and (2), to the following classes of aliens who are not described in paragraph (2):
(4) Certain special immigrants
Visas shall be made available, in a number not to exceed 7.1 percent of such worldwide level, to qualified special immigrants described in section 1101 (a)(27) of this title (other than those described in subparagraph (A) or (B) thereof), of which not more than 5,000 may be made available in any fiscal year to special immigrants described in subclause (II) or (III) of section 1101 (a)(27)(C)(ii) of this title, and not more than 100 may be made available in any fiscal year to special immigrants, excluding spouses and children, who are described in section 1101 (a)(27)(M) of this title.
(5) Employment creation
(A) In general
Visas shall be made available, in a number not to exceed 7.1 percent of such worldwide level, to qualified immigrants seeking to enter the United States for the purpose of engaging in a new commercial enterprise (including a limited partnership)—
i.e. for each country EB1 gets (140,000 + number of unused FB visas from the previous year) * 0.07 * 0.286 = 2802 + something insignificant, same for EB2 and EB3.
If there are unused visas, they go from EB1 to EB2 to EB3, but they are lost at the end of the fiscal year. Unused visas from 4th and 5th category can be added to that number as well (usually in the 4th quarter of the fiscal year). Please note that at the end of the fiscal year per country limits may be lifted if there are unused visas left.
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02-20 10:12 AM
Your lawyer or any competent lawyer should be able to interfile your application. The lawyer has to write a letter to USCIS along with the original approval notice of the newly approved but older PD I140. As per today's EB2/EB3 PD scenario, interfile is the best option for you. Earlier PD transfers ruled when EB2 PD used to be ahead of EB3 PD. Now, EB2 PD is Unavailable. Again, get a competent lawyer who has extensive experience in this particular issue.
The following thread has most of the information and knowledge you would need:
Best of luck !!
The following thread has most of the information and knowledge you would need:
Best of luck !!
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11-08 11:38 AM
Hi everyone,
I am trying to reschedule my H1B appointment as my contact in mumbai failed to deliver the DS-156 and DS-157 to the consulate in time (5 business days prior). However, I can't book a new one till the old one is cancelled and the system won't let me cancel 5 business days or less before the current appointment. Does anyone know what to do? It must have happened to someone before? I really need to get back to the US in 10 days.
I am trying to reschedule my H1B appointment as my contact in mumbai failed to deliver the DS-156 and DS-157 to the consulate in time (5 business days prior). However, I can't book a new one till the old one is cancelled and the system won't let me cancel 5 business days or less before the current appointment. Does anyone know what to do? It must have happened to someone before? I really need to get back to the US in 10 days.
04-07 05:22 PM
I did extended for my in-laws when they entered last time to US. When they entered next time they entered without any issues.
Last time time also lot of my friends scared me (immigration people will stop them at the port of entry), my another friend (both husband and wife doctors), they bring there in - laws everytime they will extend it to 3 times approxmately they will stay in US 2 years, they left several times and entered into US without any issues.
I think in your case you have been lucky and may have given complelling reason, but otherwise the odds are that the next time around entry may be refused or a shortened stay. I have seen from numerous cases, 7 out of 10 cases were rejected or shortened stay. As one of the posters put it , it is at the discretion of IO at POE next time you visit. This is high risk when u put the things into perspective in longer run
Last time time also lot of my friends scared me (immigration people will stop them at the port of entry), my another friend (both husband and wife doctors), they bring there in - laws everytime they will extend it to 3 times approxmately they will stay in US 2 years, they left several times and entered into US without any issues.
I think in your case you have been lucky and may have given complelling reason, but otherwise the odds are that the next time around entry may be refused or a shortened stay. I have seen from numerous cases, 7 out of 10 cases were rejected or shortened stay. As one of the posters put it , it is at the discretion of IO at POE next time you visit. This is high risk when u put the things into perspective in longer run
04-17 12:04 PM
I don't know when exactly your case was filed. I was originally planning to file mine in summer 2005 but my attorney mentioned that there were a lot of errors and delays in the system at that time and recommended I hold off. I ended up filing in December 2005 and got approved in 2 months.
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